novo_121 المدير الإدارى
عدد الرسائل : 15950 العمر : 43 العمل/الترفيه : محامي المزاج : الحمد لله الاوسمه : تاريخ التسجيل : 18/04/2008
| موضوع: تنظيف وترتيب ملفات النظام MacDust v3.05 (Mac) الإثنين 13 أبريل - 6:20 | |
اداة ثورية وذات امكانات عالية
الاداة مهمتها الاساسية اعادة ترتيب ملفات النظام مع تنظيف وحذف التالف
او الذى انتهت صلاحياتة
MacDust 3 is the next revolutionary step in data hygiene. MacDust has been trained over the years to hone in on all kinds of files and caches that collect and start eating your harddrive space over time. Simply check off anything you'd like cleaned, and your Mac will thank you.
Fantastic! The new version of MacDust has a wide array of new features. Along with new cleaning abilities, and all new tools, MacDust has been rebuilt, ground up!
Simply Fast Unlike its major competitors, MacDust is made with Cocoa. Being native to the Mac OS, Cocoa is lightning fast and ultra lightweight. Applications that wish they were MacDust are bulky programs, and very slow products. MacDust starts up faster, cleans faster, and runs faster than all the others. Made with Cocoa
Technologic The cleaning engine for MacDust has been rewritten time and time again. Between versions two and three, the cleaning engine has been rewritten twice. Just for you, MacDust 3 is better, faster, and stronger. او
تورنيت v3.05 (Mac) | |
القلب الطيب مديرة العلاقات العامه والمتابعه
عدد الرسائل : 18577 الاوسمه : تاريخ التسجيل : 14/04/2008
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novo_121 المدير الإدارى
عدد الرسائل : 15950 العمر : 43 العمل/الترفيه : محامي المزاج : الحمد لله الاوسمه : تاريخ التسجيل : 18/04/2008
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